This 'counter culture' meatloaf is perfect for those who are either too lazy or too incapacitated to go to the grocery store. Just combine ground beef with some fun items from your kitchen and throw it on the smoker for a couple of hours for a delicious stoner meatloaf!

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About this Recipe
So, we love our butcher. He's a big, loveable guy named Tex and we swap recipes with him almost every weekend. A couple of years ago, we were talking about unique recipes we had cooked on the smoker and he asked, "Have you ever made stoner meatloaf?" Nicole and I must have looked puzzled, because he immediately said, "Oh, there's no weed in it!"
When we finished laughing, Tex told us about a recipe he used to make with his stoner buddies when he was younger. They would get a couple pounds of ground beef and then just throw random items from the kitchen into the mix to see what weird and cool flavors they could come up with.
Stoner Ingredient #1
Long story short, we loved the idea. So, we came up with our own version of stoner meatloaf. We looked in the freezer and we already had a couple of pounds of ground beef, so we had a start. Then we noticed a ½ lb. of Italian sausage left over from another recipe. Why not throw it into the recipe?
Stoner Ingredient #2
Now that we had our ground beef and Italian sausage base, we needed some sort of binder to help hold the meat together. Just so you get those nicely formed, juicy slices. Usually the binder is bread crumbs, panko or even oats. But remember, this is Stoner Meatloaf, so regular binders just won't do.
That's when we thought about one of our favorite snacks—Goldfish Crackers! Turns out they're not just great when you have the munchies, they're an awesome binder. We grabbed a bag from the pantry, pulsed them in the food processor a few times and added them to the mix.
Stoner Ingredient #3
As we poked around the refrigerator for other appropriate ingredients, we found a couple of eggs and some milk, but it still felt like we were missing something. That's when we spotted a few sticks of string cheese peeking out of a drawer. I looked at Nicole, she looked at me. No words necessary.
We added some salt and onion powder to the mixture and formed it into two loaves. The next step was easy. We preheated the smoker to 225 degrees (unfortunately 420 degrees was too hot) and put the Stoner Meatloaf on for 2 short hours.
We Give this Meatloaf High Marks
The result was nothing short of amazing. The smoky flavor, combined with the subtle crunch of Goldfish Crackers and the warm, melty string cheese were a match made in heaven. Some would say we discovered a cure for the munchies. Others would be more blunt and say it's just a great dinner. Whatever the case, Stoner Meatloaf is a blend we'll be smoking for years to come.
What we like about this recipe!
Nicole - I'm not a huge fan of rules, and there are certainly no rules when it comes to stoner meatloaf. We've experimented with ingredients like bacon, Doritos, fried onions and so many more, I can't even begin to remember them all.
Mike - Stoner meatloaf is easy to make and only takes a couple of hours to cook on the smoker. Besides that, everyone in the house can have input on this recipe. Our daughter wanted pickles, our son wanted bacon...heck the neighbor even suggested adding hot dogs. There's (almost) no wrong answer!
- 2 lbs. fresh ground beef
- ¼-1/2 lbs. Italian sausage (spicy or sweet will work)
- 1 cup processed Goldfish Crackers
- 4-5 sticks of string cheese
- ½ cup milk
- 2 large eggs
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon onion powder
Tips and Tricks
- There are dozens of different 'binders' you can use in this recipe. We've tried Cheez-its, Doritos, potato chips and more. Don't be afraid to experiment!
- This recipe will make 1 large meatloaf or 2 smaller loaves. If you're cooking for 2, simply half the ingredients.
- If you don't like string cheese or you've got a dairy allergy, you can substitute the cheese for jalapenos, bratwurst, summer sausage or even potatoes.
- If your meatloaf turns out drier than you like, try increasing the amount of milk in this recipe from ½ cup to a whole cup.
If you're going true stoner, then we'd suggest Funyuns, Takis, Chex Mix and the like. If you're looking for something more traditional, mashed or baked potatoes work great, veggies are always amazing, and rice or pasta work well too.
This dish will last up to 3 days refrigerated. Just make sure you store it in an airtight container.
According to the USDA, cooked beef can sit at room temperature safely for up to 2 hours. If you're outside and the temperature is above 90 degrees that time decreases to 1 hour.
Yes! Just preheat your oven to 350 degrees and cook for approximately 35-45 minutes per pound.
Again, if you're going true stoner, then we'd recommend queso, ranch or straight ketchup. If those don't float your boat then barbecue sauce is a classic, honey mustard works well and you can't go wrong with brown gravy.
Looking for other recipes like this? Try these:
These are my favorite dishes to serve with stoner meatloaf:
Stoner Meatloaf Recipe (Smoked Of Course)
- 2 lbs. fresh ground beef
- ¼-1/2 lbs. Italian sausage spicy or sweet will work
- 1 cup processed Goldfish Crackers
- 4-5 sticks of string cheese
- ½ cup milk
- 2 large eggs
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon onion powder
- Combine 2 lbs. fresh ground beef with ¼-1/2 lb. Italian sausage. Both spicy and sweet sausage will work.
- Blend an entire 6.6 oz bag of Goldfish Crackers in the food processor and add to beef mixture.
- Cut 4-5 sticks of string cheese into 1-inch pieces and add to mixture.
- Add 2 large eggs, ½ cup of milk and dry ingredients to mixture.
- Knead mixture by hand until ingredients are combined.
- Form meat mixture into one large loaf or 2 smaller loaves and place on greased cookie sheet.
- Preheat smoker and transfer meatloaf directly to the rack.
- Smoke the meatloaf for 2 hours at 225 degrees.
- Remove and let rest for 15-20 minutes before serving.
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