It all started with frozen pizza. We used to have it at least once a week. The rest of our meals were made up of stuff like Hamburger Helper, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and Lean Cuisine Meals. We knew this kind of food wasn’t healthy for us or our kids, but we didn’t know what else to do.
So, one Saturday night after a particularly bad frozen entrée, we looked at each other and said enough is enough. We spent the rest of the night scouring the internet for ways to make fresh, (mostly) healthy meals without a lot of effort.
Finally, we settled on five simple recipes, assembled them on Sunday, put them in the freezer, and popped a new meal in the slow cooker before work each weekday. We loved the meals, the kids loved the meals, and from then on, we promised to meal prep every Sunday.
That was the start of our cooking journey. Soon, we began to realize we enjoyed things like going to the grocery store together, meal prepping together and sitting down for a healthy meal together. We really did fall in love all over again, thanks to cooking.
Years later, we’ve experimented with hundreds of recipes, honed our cooking skills and learned some valuable lessons we’d love to share with you!
We’re amateur chefs and we completely understand that. Some of the methods or ingredients we use may be unconventional or even wrong by traditional standards. We still make mistakes, and we still make dinners that don’t taste great. But for us, the process has become a reward in and of itself.
We consider going to the grocery store a date and you should too! We prioritize our Sunday meal prep time together and it’s made our relationship stronger. We’re eating better, we’re healthier and we’re happier. Hopefully you can pick out a recipe or a technique that can help you and your spouse enjoy this culinary journey as much as we have. Bon Appétit!