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Easy Charcuterie Board Recipe

Charcuterie boards are just fun! They're fun to make and people have fun eating them. This Easy Charcuterie Board Recipe combines cheeses, cured meats, nuts, fruits, crackers and more into a perfect party starter for any occasion.

Easy Charcuterie Board Recipe

Does anyone know how to spell 'charcuterie' their first time? Ha Ha not us! But who really cares if it tastes good, right? This Easy Charcuterie Board Recipe is one of our favorite appetizers to bring to parties. It happens like clockwork when we show up with our latest board. People will say, "That looks daunting." Or, "Wow, how long did that take to make?" Mike and I just smirk at each other because it really doesn't take that long to put a beautiful board together.

I remember when Charcuterie boards became so popular back in 2020! Isn’t it funny that a finger food item became so popular at a time when we are required to wear masks and asked to stay 6 feet apart. But if a tasty charcuterie board was in the room, we all pulled down our masks and snacked away on a delicious selection of meats and cheeses! How Ironic.

Here we are post-pandemic and this dish is still just as popular as it was a few years ago. We love to whip up all the different combinations of meats, fruits, crackers, amazing cheeses to WOW all of our party going friends. That's the beauty of charcuterie boards, you can be creative with them. There's no right or wrong way to make them. If you don't like one or more of the ingredients in our Easy Charcuterie Board Recipe PLEASE change them. Have fun with your board!

We love to add new specialized cheeses or meats that add texture, flavor and pair well with wine or cocktails depending on the theme of the party. We recently found a cabernet infused cheese at our local grocery store, it's always the first to be eaten by the party guests. We better buy two next time!

We have had some amazing purse parties (Mike doesn't attend, lol), and all my lady friends love it when I bring my famous charcuterie board. They always love hearing, and eating, my new ideas on how to make a charcuterie board different and better. We all sip wine and chit chat while we snack on the charcuterie boards. All while doing another of our favorite activities, shopping for purses!


What we like about this Easy Charcuterie Board Recipe!

Nicole - Your charcuterie board doesn't have to be fancy. I like using common grocery store items like Cabot Seriously Sharp Cheddar Cheese, Ritz crackers, Wheat Thins, or even Club crackers. I'll even add fresh raspberries from our backyard if they're in season.
Mike - I love how there are no rules when creating charcuterie boards. You can use gram crackers and gummy bears if you want. I like trying unique cheeses on our boards, like the Blue Stilton in this recipe. It seems like the more we experiment with different ingredients, the better all of our meals turn out.

Easy Charcuterie Board Recipe Ingredients

Charcuterie Board Ingredients

Assorted Cheeses:

  • Brie (wheel)

  • Gouda (cubed)

  • Blue Stilton

Cured Meats:

  • Prosciutto

  • Genoa Salami

Nuts & Fruits:

  • Cashews

  • Pistachios

  • Green Grapes (bunches)

  • Dried Figs


  • Fig Jam

Crackers & Bread:

  • Scalloped Crackers

  • Cheese Crackers

How to make our Easy Charcuterie Board Recipe.

  1. Get the Cheeses Ready:

    Set up the Brie wheel as the focal point.

    Cut the Gouda into cubes for convenient snacking.

    Add the Blue Stilton for a strong flavor contrast.

  2. Put Together the Cured Meats:

    Roll the prosciutto tightly.

    For the salami, layer slices over a slender glass, folding them to form a rose-like shape.

  3. Combine Nuts & Fruits:

    Spread Cashews and Pistachios across the board to fill gaps and provide texture.

    Position clusters of Green Grapes for a palate-cleansing effect.

    Strategically place Dried Figs to balance out the sweetness.

  4. Include Complementary Items:

    Scoop Fig Jam into a small dish and position it close to the cheeses.

  5. Layer with Crackers:

    Organize Scalloped Crackers and Cheese Crackers in different spots for a variety of textures.


Charcuterie Board

History, Tips and Tricks

  • Charcuterie boards have been around for centuries, although it seems like it started in 2020! The art stems from France. Charcuterie is a fancy word for cured meat. The traditional French translation is cooked flesh which sounds kind of gross, so I think I’ll stick with cured meats. Back In the 15th century they would try and use any and all waste from an animal while adding salts and spices or herbs that turned the meats into preserved snacks.

  • You can mix up your meats. Our recipe suggested prosciutto or salami, however you could use pepperoni, cubed ham or turkey. One of my favorite add-on’s is the Boar's Head Peppered Salame. It add a little extra kick to the recipe.

  • The more you mix up the board, the more flavors you give your guests. So don't be afraid to add plenty of options. Some suggestions are, hard boiled eggs, veggie rolls, olives, dips like fig or strawberry jam and maybe even an onion dip.



  1. How long can a charcuterie board be out of the fridge?

    Typically, with the meats and cheeses they shouldn’t be out of the fridge longer than two hours. If the temp is higher than 90 degrees, then it should be closer to an hour or find a way to keep cooler. I usually prepare the board and keep in the fridge until the party starts.

  2. How long can you store leftovers?

    Leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator for 5-7 days. Just make sure you seal them in an airtight container.

  3. What are good beverage pairings?

    Wines are always great to pair with your board. Reds such as Cabernet or Pinot Noir, or White wines like Sauvignon Blanc. Even champagne works. Almost any beer works, including light beers, IPA’s or stouts. Non-Alcoholic options are plentiful and include, sparkling waters, Kombucha, teas or fruit juices.

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